Saturday, March 26, 2005

my childhood is now complete

my fashion plates arrived today! sooooo excited. i've wanted these
things ever since i was a kid and saw that my cousins had them. of course, they would never let me play with them. but every once in a while i check for them on ebay, bcs they (tomy/mattel) don't make them anymore. but every time i checked ebay, the sets were going for upwards of $40, and i just never wanted to spend that much on them. on a whim i checked ebay the other day, and there was a huge set up for $10. bid bid bid. obviously i won the auction. i'm like a kid in the
candy store. i set the plates up and got out the little crayon. i remember that everyone would get so upset when the little rubbing crayon got too flat or too small or whatever. hello! it's a crayon. just put a different one in. duh. (29 years old and still saying 'duh'). anyway. i'm all happy now. but of course i don't have time to play with them right now. oh well. at least i have them. i'm such a five-year-old. but it's so much fun!

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